Thursday, October 15, 2009

She has a message.

On Tuesday at the swimming pool, I watched Annabelle heal a man's soul. "She has Downs, right?" he asks. Me "Yeah" "My baby (8 mos) was just diagnosed as developmentally delayed, how do you deal with the stress?!!!" He says, scant inches from my nose. And Annabelle launched herself out of my arms and insisted he hold her. I could see sparks of blessings all around. Here's this big black guy with beautiful ebony skin holding this tiny pale baby who's all about finding noses these days and grabbing his. It was beautiful. We chatted. I told him how much I honor her for choosing a harder path. How privileged I feel that she chose us, and me in particular. How having a special needs kid is like a vote of confidence from GOD. His ears heard what I was saying, but his heart heard Annabelle's love. And I think it'll be easier for him to hear the love of his own beautiful sweet baby and whatever message he has to bring.

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