Monday, December 28, 2009

Fwog Pwince

The girls saw the frog and the princess movie today. I tried to find out what the story was since I was home with Annabelle. I asked about the plot and Lexie said "The pwincess saw the fwog on the bawcony and hitted him with a book, but he wasn't squished, and that was the mowal of the stowy."

According to Ina, the mowal of the stowy is more like "You already have all you need." Or "You get what you get, don't throw a fit."

I don't know what the mowal of the stowy is, but I like the idea of unsquishable fwogs.

Going Commando

I'm trying EVERYTHING to get through to the kids. My sister said that some expert she knows said kids are physically incapable of remembering things until they reach a certain age. I say BS. I don't have to tell them every single time which car to go to when we go to the garage. I don't have to tell them to go sit at the counter when they first get up for breakfast. They know which bed is theirs. In the middle of the night, they know which side of the bed holds Mommy and which side holds a growly bear.

So my pet peeve is panties on the floor. I can work with just about everything else, but panties on the floor make me CRAZY. I decided, therefore, that if they left panties on the floor, they lost their privilege to wear panties. Nothing came between Lexie and her Target Leggings the next day. Apparently this was not noticed by Ina who left her panties on the floor on a Sunday night. I made the announcement that she would have to go commando the next day. You would think I'd ripped the head off her pet puppy. Oh the hysterics! She went to bed sobbing for any other consequence. She woke up begging for another consequence. She was so upset I realized this could spin out of control. I actually had to e-mail her teacher the following:

Subject: Well into the realms of TMI

So I'm trying to banish screaming mommy from the house by simply and calmly implementing consequences. One of my pet peeves is to have worn panties simply cast on the floor. The rest of the clothing one does theoretically have a hope of wearing again (except for me, since with Annabelle's VPI, I usually look like I've lost a hard-fought battle with about 100 slugs).

So if I'm calm and the kids are screaming, that means I'm getting through. The consequence for leaving panties on the floor has become that they lose the privilege of wearing panties for the following day. We call this "going commando" although I really don't know why. Angelina, of course, "forgot" and left worn panties on the floor and will be arriving at school tomorrow completely bent out of shape 'cause she's "going commando." Please DO NOT send her to the school psychologist for an unexplained change in behavior or sudden outburst with vague reference to commandos. She is not a danger to her fellow first-graders.

She went to bed completely bent out of shape. I don't expect her to be calm tomorrow morning either as we get her dressed. Here's wishing us all luck.
